Frequently Asked Questions

  • Click Schedule at the top of this page. We do not schedule appointments by phone or email. Call us if you have trouble: (316) 350-7688.

  • We charge $0 - $490 depending on your situation. Click “Schedule” to fill out an intake. We will ask you two quick questions about your income. You do not have to bring proof of income.

    Aria Medical Foundation is a non-profit that raises money so we can see everyone who needs care, even if they can’t pay for it.

    We accept payments by Cash App, debit and major credit cards, and also cash.

  • 95% of patients seen at Aria rate their experience 5/5 — “highly recommend.”

    “Aria is amazing, genuinely a life-saving org. Thank you so much for me and all of the women you help.”

    “Absolutely made the process as seamless as possible. The personalized and friendly communication even in the confirmation emails eased anxiety.”

    “I appreciate the doctor asking me how I feel and having a conversation with me. They took the time to explain everything to me and made me feel comfortable. I also appreciate the financial assistance I received.”

    “The doctors and care team were so friendly and supportive. As someone who was very anxious about my appointment, Aria staff made sure that I was comfortable and at ease. I couldn't recommend them enough.”

    “Everyone was so comforting and made me feel safe and at peace.”

  • Aria works with the Midwest Access Coalition (847-750-6224), the Chicago Abortion Fund (312) 663-0338, and the Arkansas Abortion Support Network (501-712-0671), and other funds to help clients pay for hotels, gas money or flights, transportation, food, and childcare support. Call or text them a few days before your appointment to get help paying for your trip.

    Having trouble figuring it out? Call us at (316) 350-7688.

  • Plan to be at the clinic an hour or two — to see the doctor, get an abdominal ultrasound if needed, and get medications. We give you everything you need in one visit.

  • Aria Medical is listed on and We are a member of the National Abortion Federation. These websites carefully check out abortion clinics and make sure they meet standards before they are listed.

  • Yes. Miscarriages are treated with the same medication as abortion.

    Aria Medical is happy to treat anyone experiencing a miscarriage, as long as they are not not having a medical emergency (such as a hemorrhage, which is better treated in an emergency department).

  • Take a pregnancy test to make sure you are pregnant before scheduling an appointment. People miss periods for many reasons – make sure you are really pregnant before scheduling.

  • You need to bring in photo ID (state ID, school ID, passport, military ID, etc.). Please call us if you are not sure about what kind of ID is acceptable: (316) 350-7688.

  • You should get an email from us after you book an appointment – check your spam folder.

    If it is not there, go to to see the instructions.

  • Yes, abortion pills and abortion procedures are legal in Kansas. You do not have to live in Kansas to get an abortion here. If you want to know more about legal issues around abortion, contact the Repro Legal Help Line.

  • We will do an abdominal ultrasound in the clinic if you have not had one done. Please bring your ultrasound report with the image if you have one.

    If you aren’t sure how far along you are, we recommend you get an ultrasound before you come. You can go to an OBGYN, independent women’s health clinic, Planned Parenthood, or primary care provider.

    Aria Medical does NOT recommend going to clinics that advertise “free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds.” These are usually Crisis Pregnancy Centers, which are not medical clinics. They are NOT required to keep your information private, and they often give you false information to scare you away from getting an abortion. Learn more about it here.

  • If you have regularly monthly periods, are not taking hormonal birth control (like pills, patches, rings, shots, implants, or hormone IUDs), and have not given birth in the last year, you can tell how far you are by counting the number of weeks from the first day of your last period.

    If you were using hormonal birth control, or were breastfeeding when you got pregnant, or have irregular periods, we recommend an ultrasound to be absolutely sure how far along you are before you come to Aria. This is to make sure you don’t make a long journey, and learn you are over 12 weeks and can’t get the abortion pills when you arrive.

  • Medication abortion mimics a natural miscarriage and is experienced by the body in the same way. Some people choose to tell their health care provider that they had a miscarriage. There is no difference between a miscarriage caused by nature and a miscarriage caused by pills. As of now, there is no medical test that can detect abortion pills.

  • If you share that you took abortion pills with a medical provider who uses an electronic health record, that information may be shared with everyone who has an electronic health record – like emergency rooms, hospitals, primary care providers, and specialists. Some people do not want the word “abortion” in the electronic chart, to avoid discrimination.

    Aria uses paper charts, so your information stays private.

    Check out the Digital Defense Fund for more information.

  • Mifepristone (“mife”) is the abortion pill that stops the pregnancy. It is taken in the clinic.

    Misoprostol (“miso”) is taken 24-48 hours later. Miso causes the uterus to squeeze. This results in bleeding, cramping and passing clots - the same as a natural miscarriage.

  • Aria uses paper charts. We do not store your personal data on-line.

    We print medical records and store them in a secure location for 10 years as required by Kansas law. We will never sell your data or use it for marketing purposes.

    To keep your data private:

    Don’t use social media to talk about your abortion (not even Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp).

    After your abortion, delete texts about your abortion and erase your deleted texts.

    Also, delete related emails, and empty your email trash. Erase your search history on your computer.

    For more information about how to do this, go to Digital Defense Fund or Surveillance Self-Defense.

  • Medication abortion is very effective. It works over 97-98% of the time for people who are 6-11 weeks pregnant, meaning only 2-3 out of 100 stay pregnant after using the pills. If that happens, Aria Medical works with you to make sure you can end your pregnancy, if you choose.

  • We strongly recommend you wait until you are 6 weeks pregnant at the time of your Aria appointment. If your pregnancy is too small to see on ultrasound (typically less than 5 weeks), it only works 85% of the time — meaning 15 people out of 100 will stay pregnant after taking the pills. It works 98% of the time or more if you are at least 6 weeks from your last period.

  • Medication abortion is extremely safe.

    Complications are very rare and no different from the complications that can occur with a natural miscarriage.

    Childbirth is statistically more dangerous than a medication abortion. People are 35 times more likely to die in childbirth than from an abortion.

    Driving on a highway may actually be more dangerous than taking abortion pills.

  • Rhogam shots are not needed for pregnancies less than 12 weeks.

    We do not test for your blood type, since you will not need Rhogam if you are under 12 weeks pregnant.

  • For the security and privacy of our other patients, we ask that support people and family members wait in the car or outside the clinic.

    You can call your support person from the privacy of your exam room.

    We do not have staff available to watch older children during your appointment and ask that a trusted support person watch them.

    If you need to bring young children with you into the clinic, please call (316) 350-7688 to let us know in advance.

  • Yes. At your appointment, you will take mifepristone -- most people have no side effects from this medication other than occasional light bleeding. It is safe to drive after your appointment.